We are in the process of bringing you a neater, cleaner, and better in every way Temporalis experience! Please excuse the repetitive images, cookie crumbs and whatever else while this process is underway!
About us
Hello! My name is David Deem and I founded Temporalis Enterprises in 2020. The focus of my company is to provide my customers with the best, investment quality Kingsnakes, Milksnakes, and other Colubrid species on the market. My primary focus is Milksnakes but we also work with a variety of Kingsnakes, Cornsnakes, Asian Ratsnakes, and Rear Fanged Colubrids.
I have been involved in the reptile hobby for nearly two decades from the time I was a small child catching Garter Snakes in my yard. I have worked for some of the most well respected and foundational figureheads in the hobby, was a co-owner of Ever Evolving Exotics, a truly revolutionary pet shop in Tucson, Arizona, as well as smaller projects along the way educating the public on snakes and working with new reptile businesses to create business plans, breeding programs, and more.
I am a die-hard herper and generally spend much of my “free time” in the field or traveling with friends across the United States in search of Milksnakes and other species. I’ve recorded numerous county records and range extensions, assisted Universities with studies, and worked as a consultant for Game and Fish agencies.
The goal of this business is to provide the hobbyist and the business person alike with animals that are represented honestly, with a detailed history and well documented background. All of the animals I sell are animals I would buy myself and would put my name and reputation behind