Coastal Plains Milksnakes
Lampropeltis trianglum temporalis
Saint Mary’s County, Maryland
Saint Mary’s temporalis are the most classic in appearance of Coastal Plains Milksnakes and likely the most sought after line of temporalis in the hobby. My line originates from the same patch of woods in Saint Marys county, with Ted Thompson collecting the founding stock many years ago. These are some of my favorite snakes to look for in the wild, and some of the most variable phenotypes in the Triangulum complex.
Worcester County, Maryland
I am currently working with a small group of animals from Worcester County. These are my favorite local of temporalis. As I continue to grow my group I will provide updates, however, I don’t anticipate releasing any animals form this line until 2026.
Calvert County, Maryland
My female F1 Calvert county, Maryland Temporalis was produced by Ted Thompson many years ago from WC stock he collected near once of the more common herping spots in Calvert county. Unfortunately, when this girl came to me from Joe Purdum there was no male. With the help of Joel Reep from Prismatic Reptiles, I was able to source a pure T+ Albino Calvert male on a breeding loan. There will likely be very few pure Calvert animals available in 2025, but the long term goal is to breed the T+ Albino out, creating a pure, unadulterated Calvert phenotype.
Deem’s Dream Spotted Line
The concepts of a plan for this line began in 2024 by crossing an F1 Calvert co female to an F1 Worcester co male. The female had previously produced a striped offspring for the previous owner which is what I was hoping to see but I was not holding my breath. To my surprise I produced 15 of the most beautiful Temporalis I have seen in a very long time and a single Spotted female. The goal of Deem’s Dream is two fold - line breed for the nicest Coastals possible and create a well outcrossed line of phenotypically exceptional animals and also work on developing the striped/spotted project. I held back a large group of these for future breeders and will be crossing the same pair again in 2025
Tyrrell co, North Carolina
Coming soon!