Red Milksnakes

Lampropeltis triangulum syspila

Blody Hypo

Coming soon!

iCandy Line

Coming soon!

T- Albino

Coming soon!

Anerythristic, Douglas county, Kansas

Coming soon!

Union County, Illinois

Coming soon!

Johnson County, Illinois

Johnson county animals are regarded as some of the nicest syspila out there. I have bloodline from both Jeff Hardwick and Brandon DeCavele. More info to come…

Jackson County, Illinois

Jackson county is just northwest of Johnson county but the difference in their milks is notable. This if my favorite local of syspila in the collection. The adults are vibrant red-orange with unique head stamps, clean bands, and nice flaming on the sides. My animals from Jeff Hardwick’s line, a renowned breeder who produces some of the best milks in the world!

Douglas County, Kansas

Coming soon!

Riley County, Kansas

Coming soon!

Ralls County, Missouri

Ralls animals have a more mahogany/ brick-red coloration and have patterns similar to Eastern Milks in that they have a higher band count, smaller triads and other such traits. My animals originated from Jeff Hardwick’s line.

Marion County, Missouri

Coming soon!

Buchanan County, Missouri

Buchanan animals should be called “orange milksnakes” in my opinion. This locality sports vibrant orange and tangerine coloration as opposed to the reddish hues common in my other syspila localities. My Buchanan animals originated from the famous Jess Hardwick.