Yucatan Milksnake
Lampropeltis polyzona blanchardi
Quintana Roo
My blanchardi, like all other lines currently available in the hobby, originated from a patternless animals caught in a chicken coop in Quintana Roo, crossed to a female of unknown lineage from the Moscow Zoo. Some folks believe that the Moscow Zoo animals was a polyzona x blanchardi cross. Without hard lineage details we cannot assume that blanchardi in the hobby are pure. That doesn’t mean they are not fantastic snakes to work with- in fact, they are my favorite of the polyzona complex, and I have a large group of them. All blanchardi in the hobby possess the patternless trait in some form or another. There seems to be a visual heterozygous form present in the reduced or aberrant patterned animals. It is my plan to breed aberrant to aberrant or normal to normal animals to work on seeing how the gene is inherited.